Monday, 20 June 2016

Modern Lathe Machine Features

Modern lathe machines have been created for efficiency and best functionality in their use. The quality of these machines have however not been disregarded, in fact, the quality is improved. Modern lathe equipment is made with a modular design that allows users to adapt the machine to their requirements. The choices that can be changed in these machines include column heights, ram travels, tables, coolant systems, controls, pallet systems and options such as tool and part probes.


Live spindle attachment along with the 360, 000 position c-axis table will provide machining center flexibility. In addition, the live spindle right angle head enables milling, drilling and tapping on the outside part which will reduce the number of part setups needed for each operation.

Lathes are used in woodturning, metalworking, metal spinning, Thermal spraying parts reclamation, and glass-working. Lathes can be used to shape pottery, the best-known design being the potter's wheel.

Most suitably equipped metalworking lathes can also be used to produce most solids of revolution, plane surfaces, and screw threads or helices. Ornamental lathes can produce three-dimensional solids of incredible complexity.

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