Accessories are necessary for Milling Machine.
As with all the different machine tools and machining operations, the accessories that are used along with the machine play in important role in machine tool operation. Most of the accessories here mentioned pertaining to the vertical milling machine, although there are some accessories that can be used on other types of machines as well.
- Parallels
- Pointed Wiggler or Line finder
- Spring Loaded Edge finder
- Vise Stop
Parallels or parallel bars, as they are sometimes called, are used primarily to raise the height of the work piece. Parallels are precision ground bars which will assure that the position of the work piece is parallel to the machine table surface or the bottom surface of the vise opening.
Pointed Wiggler or Line finder
A wiggler is a tool which is used to reference the spindle of the machine to the edge of the part or layout location.
The wiggler is mounted in the spindle of the machine. It can be mounted in a drill chuck or collet. Start the spindle of the machine and make the wiggler run true by bringing into contact, a piece of steel or some other material, with the point of the wiggler. When the point is running true, move the table so that the point of the wiggler is lined up with the layout lines or the edge of the part.
Spring Loaded Edge finder
The spring loaded edge finder is an accurate and quick method of locating the edge of the part. This type of edge finder consists of two pieces; the head and the shank. The head and the shank are held together using a spring. The head of the edge finder has at least one diameter that is the same as the shank and can offset about .05 of an inch off of the centre of the body. As the edge finder is rotated, the eccentricity becomes more apparent. The edge finder can be used in a drill chuck or collect.
Vise Stop
The vise stop is used for repeat positioning of parts. The vise stop can greatly reduce setup time.
Once the reference plane of the first part is found, a solid vise stop is set up to accurately position the next part. There are many styles of vise stops. Some vise stops are incorporated into the design of the vise. Most vise stops can be easily attached to either the left or right side of the vise.
Other misc. accessories are...
- Arbores
- Boring Bars & Heads
- Collet Chucks
- Collets
- Countersinks & Counter bores
- Drill Sets & Drill Chucks
- End Mills
- Fly Cutters
- Power Feeds
- Reducers
- Tap & Die Sets
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